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Have I heard of Calgacus?
I certainly have. I even wrote a series of no fewer than 8 historical fiction novels with him as the principal character. They are all available on Amazon in paperback & Kindle formats.
And a wee correction to this article. Calgacus was not a Scotsman. The Scots had not arrived in northern Britain when he was around.
Anyway, if you like your adventure stories set against a genuine historical background, but with plenty of excitement and a bit of creative licence,I hope you’ll enjoy these stories.

Have you heard of Calgacus, first Scot recorded in history? https://news.stv.tv/scotland/have-you-heard-of-calgacus-first-scot-recorded-in-history

Anyone game to read and comment on a short story (around 4,800 words) that I'm planning to submit early this month? It's about ladies-in-waiting in the late 18th-century Korean royal palace being lesbian spies. The premise is drawn from Joseon-era records of sapphic and espionage activities among this class of women. @writers

Story is formatted in .docx available for Google Docs sharing or email, drop me a line via reply or DM if interested. Any response time within a week would be perfect, both detailed and overview comments welcome!

I'm a bit strapped to pay fair rates right now, but can do an equivalent labor exchange. And if you're familiar with this account you know I give thoughtful and constructive comments about things I read ^_^

"Cloud Cuckoo Land" Anthony Doerr. 3.5 stars. Three time periods are braided together by an ancient Greek tale: 15th century Constantinople, the modern day, and a space-faring future. Elaborate but tenuous. On their own each story has potential, but together they don't quite make a whole. Like Cloud Atlas but less enthralling.

Reading time 7 days, 89 pages/day


Anthony Doerr: Cloud Cuckoo Land (Hardcover, 2021, Scribner) 4 stars

Elaborate but tenuous.

3 stars

(3 stars = I liked it)

Three time periods are braided together by an ancient Greek tale: 15th century Constantinople, the modern day, and a space-faring future. Elaborate but tenuous. On their own each story has potential, but together they don't quite make a whole. Like Cloud Atlas but less enthralling.

Reading time 7 days, 89 pages/day

#BookReview #Books #Bookstodon #BookWyrm #HistoricalFiction #SciFi

Back in 2001 when I signed my first book contract, I never dreamed I would eventually write four non-fiction books and four novels... and contribute to seven anthologies and edit two! The time has flown by! I'm so grateful to all my readers and to my fellow writers who have encouraged me to keep going. If you have stories to tell, I hope you find a way to tell them.

Has anyone written a decent book (fiction and/or non fiction) about Æthelflæd? Currently reading a fiction book, but it’s pretty weak and the book title annoyingly refers to her as King Alfred’s Daughter and not the Lady of Mercia (Exactly why do publishers think book titles referring to a woman by her relation to a man is going to make it sellable?).

Honestly, if no one has written a book series about her, I’d be bloody tempted.

Ben Elton: Two brothers (2012, Bantam Press) 3 stars

Berlin 1920 Two babies are born. Two brothers. United and indivisible, sharing everything. Twins in …

Flat as a brick wall.

1 star

Brothers in a Jewish family strive to protect their loved ones from the increasing horrors of Nazi Germany. Boringly one-dimensional portrayal of Nazis - they're evil brutes, I get it. Distinct lack of emotional connection considering intensity of subject matter. Flat as a brick wall.

Reading time 7 days, 89 pages/day

#BookReview #Books #Bookstodon #BookWyrm #HistoricalFiction