
“Of aal the fish there iss in the sea,” said Para Handy, “nothing bates the herrin’; it’s a providence they’re plentiful and them so cheap!”

Neil Munro (1863–1930) – journalist, novelist, short-story writer, & poet – was born , 3 June. Rigby’s Encyclopaedia of Herring discusses Munro’s PARA HANDY stories, as well as giving the full text of the tale “The Herring – A Gossip”


@scotlit It's a testament both to Munro's writing and to the work of the original shipbuilders that even now in 2024 there are not one but two working, scale versions of the classic Clyde Puffer happily sailing the Forth & Clyde Canal, often spotted near Kirkintilloch, where many of them were built and launched. One is the Maryhill, the other, in a lovely nod to Para Handy, is The Wee Spark! They elicit smiles whenever they are seen.