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Missing Dragon Magazine? We got you.

FiveE issue 4 is available NOW in PDF for FREE! Free Print version available now (you only pay for print cost + postage, I don’t make any profit from this mag)! Check out the video preview & head over to Drivethrurpg to download or order the mag!



finished reading Der Blinzelhund #1 by Moritz Mehlem (Der Blinzelhund, #1)

Moritz Mehlem, Denis Bökenkröger, Chris McDowall, Kaid Ramdani, Stefan Beate, Sebastian Gaffran, Björn Beier: Der Blinzelhund #1 (Paperback, german language, 2024, System Matters Verlag) No rating

Ein Zine für OSR Rollenspiele

Inhalt der ersten Ausgabe: - 50 Jahre Dungeons & Dragons …

Wirklich ein schönes Zine geworden, insbesondere für eine Nullnummer. Ich bin beteiligt, daher keine Wertung. Ich will hier noch einmal auf das schöne Flimmerhund-haltige Abenteuer und die Konvertierungsregeln von #DnDde #5e auf Into the Odd/Bastionland (also auch #Mausritter und #CairnRPG ) hinweisen. Das ist erstaunlich einfach.

#pnpde #iTO

I originally held off on because I didn't like how the marketing for this game was so aimed at players. But as a regional indie webstore just started stocking it plus its extras like pregen characters and dungeons and bonus content zines ... I decided to impulsively buy it anyway.

Now that I'm giving it a chance I gotta say I actually like it more than Old School Essentials, at least for something quick and out of the box without hacking together my own campaign rules.

We’re moving house this week. I also took on my first commission for a 3D sculpted bust of a DnD character. So instead of packing I’ve been excitedly working on this half-elf ranger sculpt.

I’ve already tweaked it some since this render, but this is pretty close to current. First image is a composite, mainly for subsurface scattering on the ears.

She will have hair and accessories eventually.