
See tagged statuses in the local Rambling Readers community

Wild Magic:

Verbal component: "Now I finally have some time to get back to my hobbies!"

Effect: Immediate routine breaking event selected from the random table below with a D12 roll

1. Ear infection
2. Tonsillitis
3. Head lice
4. PTA conflict
5. Skipping naps
6. Family holiday
7. Ear infection again
8. The poops
9. Can't sleep won't sleep
10. Childhood illness
11. Kindergarten break
12. More lice

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FiveE issue 4 is available NOW in PDF for FREE! Free Print version available now (you only pay for print cost + postage, I don’t make any profit from this mag)! Check out the video preview & head over to Drivethrurpg to download or order the mag!



Good evening everyone I hope you are all well, bit later today as I was back at work today

1. Only 4 more days of working then I'm back on holiday again for a week (my holidays have mostly fallen at the end of the year this year)

2. Had a great weekly role playing session last night and get to also do the monthly role play tonight, both games are using dnd 5e rules

3. Simple but tasty tea tonight of bacon sandwiches

Seasonal Spells for

Toddler's Vicious Snot: This spell initially impacts the member of the party with the lowest HP. It lasts for 2 days. After that it affects all other members of the party, is immune to Healing, and you need a 20+ Con saving throw to recover from it.

Fall Back: This spell interrupts the target's Long Rest one hour too soon. Every time. For about two weeks.

Toddler's Disappearing Accessories: This spell affects hats, gloves, scarves, and boots.