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Spells I would like to learn:

Dress Toddler: cantrip that replaces Pajamas with Outside Clothes instantly

Clean Sidewalk: Prestidgitation for the meltdown area, including soundproofing

Find Toy: the one that is immediately needed at bedtime even though we have not played with it for months

Remove the Ew: makes all the "ew" bits disappear from the plate of food (e.g. the shredded cheese from the spaghetti)


A question: Does anyone have any good ideas for a map symbol for "haunted" that fits with the design aesthetics for 19th century maps (such as the ones on the linked reference sheet)?

The reason for this is that German folklore features numerous locations that were used as "dumping grounds" for onery ghosts and evil spirits which people did not want in their homes - the exorcists simply bound them to a remote swamp, forest, hill, or whatever, where they could no longer bother the living.

So in a world where the supernatural is real and such practices existed, conscientious surveyors would surely mark these sites on their maps...


Wizards RPG Team: Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel (Hardcover, 2022, Wizards of the Coast) 4 stars

An anthology of thirteen stand-alone adventures set in wondrous lands for the world's greatest roleplaying …

A good idea, but with not enough focus

4 stars

I really do appreciate that the authors were trying to explore settings with a different perspective than the pseudo-European/North American cultural base used for most #DnD settings.

But since this 224 page book is split up between 13 adventures and 15 cultures, the glimpses we get of each culture is so frustratingly brief. As someone who wants their settings to come with lots of details, this would make it difficult for me to bring the cultures in question truly come alive. In lieu of further detail, it might have helped if they had spelled out which culture each setting is based on - in some cases it was fairly easy for me to guess, but in others I was unsure.

I also have to admit, I prefer running campaigns where the PCs largely stay in one particular region rather than traveling around - and when they do travel around, there …

Useful for the hardcore Eberron fan

4 stars

This book by @hellcowkeith@dice.camp is not a book that focuses on a specific topic and covers that topic in detail, like the assorted 3.5 books for Eberron did. It is best to see it as a collection of essays on a variety of niche topics - some of which are very niche, such two minor gnome subcultures.

Some of the chapters are broader in scope, and personally I found the chapter on the Overlords, The Dark Six, and the lore and folk-lore about undead the most useful. As an amateur folklorist, I especially appreciated the last one - to run good adventures about monsters, you should not only contemplate their stats, but also what the people within the world know about them, and what kinds of stories they tell.

Fans of Keith Baker's previous work will find plenty to like here, but I see this work to be more for …

"Sometimes you have to let the kids get Bored, it's good for their creativity!"

Bored condition for Toddler class:

- Casting Violent Scream is now a cantrip

- Gains a level in Artist with a specialization in Wall Drawing

- Gains reistsance to Power Word NO

- No check needed for finding traps as long as you immediately spring them

- Sibling Toddlers automatically Rage

Parental Short Rest:
- Parent regains 0 HP
- Parent temporarily loses 5 points in Wisdom

Bedtime Disengage. Roll D20.

Nat 1: You fell asleep. Kid left the room.

2-5: You peek. Child is staring back at you like a tarsier.

6-10: You make a move. Child grabs onto a facial feature of choice.

11-15: Leaving the room you step on a toy. Child bolts.

16-19: You make it to the door when a tiny voice calls you back.

Nat 20: You leave the room. Kid's still asleep. Your remaining Adult Brain Function is hours equal to your Con modifier. Halved. Rounded down.

loot for parents:

Sand Shoes: bonus action to put on when the child bolts from the sandbox

Sturdini: sturdy swimwear that can't be unlaced, untied, unclipped, yanked up or yanked down easily

Safe Jewelry: can't be torn off, slipped off, or swallowed by Small creatures and yet adds Charisma bonus

Bottomless Coffee Bottle: can be opened and closed with one hand, comes with Mage Hand while pushing a stroller

Side quests for the campaign titled Deep Cleaning Your Kid's Room:

- Find Paddington's hat (DC 15)

- Find BOTH birds missing from the bird memory card set (not the same bird) (DC 25)

- Sort the Peppa puzzle pieces from the Little Mole puzzle pieces (DC 15). Sort the Little Mole in the Spring puzzle pieces from the Little Mole in the Summer puzzle pieces (DC 30).

- Decide what to do with all 546 unique crayon drawings (DC 30)