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DATE: September 21, 2024 at 06:00AM

** Research quality varies widely from fantastic to small exploratory studies. Please check research methods when conclusions are very important to you. **

TITLE: New psychology study reveals we overestimate the consequences of declining social invitations

URL: https://www.psypost.org/new-psychology-study-reveals-we-overestimate-the-consequences-of-declining-social-invitations/

New research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology offers some reassuring insights for anyone who has ever hesitated to decline an invitation to a social event. The study found that people tend to overestimate the negative consequences of saying no to an invitation. Specifically, invitees—those invited to join a social activity—believe that declining an invitation will upset the inviter more than it actually does.

The inspiration for this study came from a very common scenario: the hesitation many people feel when deciding whether to decline a social invitation. Whether it’s a dinner party, a movie night, or a …

The Observer view on the NHS: If it is to ‘reform or die’, let’s start with the way it handles our data


An article full of sound and fury signifying absolutely nothing. Proper use of mass data for health improvement is a good and worthwhile objective. Handing it over to Palentir and exposing health records to other private ‘concerns’ is not.

Here's this week WTFrance episode! Mr. Macron is back at work, the French start talking politics again, and we discuss the relation between Batman and the Emergency Room.

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From left to right, talks were had about the prime minister and cabinet. We discuss potential PMs and challenges France and its overseas territories are facing.

And while discussing French healthcare we went a bit on a tangent discussing Pepijn's bat-related ER visit.. So bat alert?

Finally this episode includes BREAKING NEWS: while recording Mélenchon made an important statement. We added Juliette's thoughts at the end.

It's a bit of a long episode. Enjoy! :-)


Good morning. 🍄🍄🍄

14 August 2024

Another feature of old age is appointments, and doctors also. Gone are the days when nothing seems to affect you, and you can brush off a cold like lint of your shoulder. You are going strong and then one day things start going wrong. Don't think, like I did, that you will escape such things because it is just the way it will be. You will go from never ever seeing a doctor to having a regular schedule to plan around. Hmmm ... Deja Vu, I've written of this before, sort of. No worries, by that time you will have more time on your hands to deal with such matters. You know, the United States is one of the few developed countries that doesn't have universal healthcare. Maybe the only one.

"One in seven Americans, including more than 8 million children, does not have …

While some athletes have raved about the muffins and others have complained about the cardboard beds, some American Olympians are taking advantage of the free healthcare. Team USA rugby player Ariana Ramsey didn't just get a bronze medal in Paris — she's had a pap smear, X-ray, teeth cleaning, and an eye test. She's posted about this on TikTok, influenced other athletes in the Village to visit medical professionals, and now plans to fight for universal healthcare in the U.S. Here's more from Sports Illustrated.
