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"Gender is one of the oldest and most established systems for controlling people. And if you think the youth fucking with it is annoying that's probably because it's messing with a power structure that benefits you"

👆 this.

(source doesn't want to be mentioned)

responds to the Scottish Government bill to ban so called for or in . The General Assembly had urged a ban, so the submission is broadly supportive. "The 's thinking is deepened by hearing the experiences of survivors of conversion practices... We are all created in 's image, and we all have inherent dignity. We must do all we can in our public witness to respect and affirm this high principle"

"Lotteries – by definition – get rid of implicit in the scheme. This concerns not only biases but also for instance the Matthew effect."

Read our interview with @caal @thijsbol Sense Jan van der Molen

➡️ https://www.rug.nl/library/open-access/blog/open-access-publication-in-the-spotlight-march-gender-differences-in-dutch-research-funding-ove

Their article on gender differences in 2012–2021 is this month's publication in the spotlight.

At a recent networking event, Karen Whybro pointed out that:

'Women are not afraid of the dark; they are afraid of men in the dark'!

We need to stop obscuring the problem of male aggression t women as a problem of potential victims' or the social environment.

And, men: we need to call out attitudes that may lead to gendered aggression... we can no longer shrug our shoulders & avoid the misogynists in our midst!


It's not that I'm only interested in interviewing s, s, nude s, nudist/naturists, etc, it's that "mainstream" creators don't seem to be keen on being associated with "adult-only" content that focuses on for the crazy radical notion that based is BS and either ALL nipples should be banned from mainstream social media and public, or NO nipples 😑