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much, ? Must be reading his copy of again. Britt commentary refers to "14 Characteristics of Fascism" by .

10 alarming things has promised to do in a second term

by Judd Legum
and Rebecca Crosby
Dec 12, 2023

1. Trump says he will "abuse power" and be a "dictator" on "day one."

2. Trump says in 2020 gives him the power to "terminate" the Constitution
[Britt: "Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections."]

3. Trump says he will issue "full pardons" to
[Britt: "Rampant and …

A attempt to block a Scottish Parliament on self-identification has been upheld by 's highest court. The case might now go to the . The ruling has implications for rights, but also has implications, potentially calling into question the settlement which transferred powers from the central UK government to Scotland which led to the establishment of the in 1999

Anglo-Saxon Burials Are Challenging Our Understanding of Gender Identity

There are a significant number of Anglo-Saxon burials where the estimated anatomical sex of the skeleton does not align with the gender implied by the items they were buried with.

Some bodies identified as male have been buried with feminine clothing, and some bodies identified as female have been found in the sorts of "warrior graves" typically associated with men.

In the archaeology of early Anglo-Saxon England, weaponry, horse-riding equipment and tools are thought to signal masculinity, while jewelery, sewing equipment and beads signal femininity. And, for the most part, this pattern fits.

So far though, no convincing explanation has been put forward for the burials which appear to invert the pattern. My PhD research asks whether looking at these atypically gendered burials through the lens of trans theory and the 21st-century language of "transness" has the potential to improve historians' …

Ruby Hamad: White Tears Brown Scars (2020, Orion Publishing Group, Limited) 5 stars

For readers of White Fragility, White Tears/Brown Scars is an explosive book of history and …


If you currently identify as a cis man or cis woman, but:

• You have recurring thoughts of being a different gender.
• You would be a different gender, if given the choice.
• You wouldn't be fussed if you magically woke up one day as a different gender.

... you might be interested to know that this isn't a common thing for cis folks to do 😅

& you might find this website helpful:

+ + +

Lawrence W. Britt: 14 Characteristics of

" studied the fascist regimes of (Germany), (Italy), (Spain), (Indonesia), and (Chile) and found they had 14 elements in common. He calls these the identifying characteristics of fascism.

1. Powerful and Continuing
Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.

2. Disdain for the Recognition of
Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of “need.” The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, and long incarcerations of prisoners.

3. Identification of

KNOW MY NAME by Chanel Miller

“Know My Name” is an important that everyone needs to read. It provides a clear example of how has been perpetuating without consequences because our has been designed to benefit the — those in power and positions of . Chanel is a gifted writer using her words to transmit pain, resilience and humour.
