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Ich warte auf den Tag, an dem die -Gegner:innen sich mal an die wirklich schlimmen Verhunzungen der deutschen Sprache machen.

- das Kommentar

- nen buch lesen

- das hat ihnen gelehrt

- dreimal mehr als

- dreimal mehr wie

- diese Sache hat seinen Preis

Und das ist nur, was mir in den ersten 30 Sekunden einfiel. Wenn sie das klar machen könnten, dass ich sowas nie wieder lesen muss, das wäre fantastisch.

Hoffnungsvolle Grüße 😊

People who disrespect someone's harmless preferences (Almost universally, not just LGBTQ+), are completely disrespecting themselves. Saying "Trans men are women" for example, its basically opening you up for the same treatment. As in, you're an it/its pronoun because you're such a waste of space you don't have the dignity to be called human. Do unto others as you'd have done unto you.

Bigots rage over CBeebies sharing biological facts about fish changing gender.

The segment was presented by puppet Dodge T Dog, who asks: “’Would you like to learn something very cool about fish? You would?

“Listen to this: some fish can change from being a boy fish to a girl fish or from being a girl fish to a boy fish.”

🤭🤔 but I thought they were all about biology?why would this make them angry 😉🐠


and people have been around since humans (or maybe even our pre-human ancestors) could think about and articulate the concepts of and . With gender norms came people who defied them, or simply didn’t fit the definitions. There has never been a culture or a period without people, without non-cis people, without intersex people. We have as many names as there are stars in the sky.

As long as humanity exists, so will we.

Ursula K. Le Guin discussing her regrets about not using more gender-neutral language in her book 'The Left Hand of Darkness', the significance of pronouns, and the grammatical accuracy of the singular 'they':

"English has a truly ungendered pronoun only in the plural. He, she, and it are gendered, they is not. [...] Historically, and colloquially, they has been regularly used as an ungendered or bisexual singular."

🔗: http://theliterarylink.com/afterword.html

For the fans here, I've reviewed Only Prince Charming Gets to Break the Rules by Anne E Beall, a fascinating survey of and Rule Violation in Fairy Tales and Life

Beall looks at 200 fairytales from around the world, analysing their morals & messages.

There's a (USA only) to copies of Only Prince Charming & her previous similar work Cinderella Didn’t Live Happily Ever After
