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Today's review! Space Opera by Catherynne M. Valente:

"'If you love gloriously-crafted sentences with hilarious sidetracks that twist and turn through the byzantine pathways of galactic culture in ways that often have you howling, this is exactly the book for you. Five stars."


@LGBTQBookstodon @diversebooks @bookstodon @Catvalente

Final call for nominations for the ! Got a favorite self-published or small-press book? Nominate it for one of 24 trope and diversity based awards at: https://indiestorygeek.com/a/indie-ink-awards-2024

We'd especially love to see even more nominations for by , / , , and/or authors.

For more information or to sign up as a judge, check out: https://indieinkawards.com/

: The Fox Wife by Yangsze Choo. Set in Manchuria in 1908, this is a tale of mystery, mythology, magic, romance, and detective fiction. There are moments of violence. The story telling in this is beautiful - the character’s motivations are clear, their stories are believable and all of the characters are well rounded. The scene setting is absolutely transporting. Great pacing. I read this very quickly, and am looking forward to savouring it again. Another very rare 5 stars from me.