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The Indie Ink Awards are open for nominations for our third year until the end of November!

To nominate your favorite small-press or self-published book for one of 24 trope and diversity based awards, go to: https://indiestorygeek.com/a/indie-ink-awards-2024

All genres of fiction prose from YA to Adult are welcome!

For more information or to sign up as a judge, check out: https://indieinkawards.com/


reviewed The Mask of Mirrors by M. A. Carrick (Rook and Rose, #1)

M. A. Carrick: The Mask of Mirrors (Orbit) 5 stars

Nightmares are creeping through the city of dreams . . .

Renata Virdaux is a …

Expertly crafted political fantasy

5 stars

#BookReview This book is the first in a completed trilogy, written by two authors under the pen name of M. A. Carrick. It follows the stories of multiple characters as they try and negotiate the turbulence of life in the Renaissance Venice-inspired city of Nadežra.

Our main protagonist is Ren, a city native (who are of Vraszenian race), who has returned to Nadežra after being forced to flee it after betraying the sinister leader of their group (knot) of child thieves. Together with her sister Tess, she is trying to move up in the world by executing a con trick passing herself off as the daughter of an estranged relative of one of the ruling Liganti-race gentry families - the Traementis family - in order to be taken in by them officially.

However, as Ren negotiates her con, helped along by her marvellously fun, and sometimes scandalous, appearances as a …

In the note to the reader at the end the author writes: “When you write reality-based fiction you’re taking a gamble — cause reality takes discontinuous jumps. I do not advocate violence. I never set out to write a book about insurrection, I simply went where the characters took me. You might call this novel a cautionary tale. An alternate future to spur discussion and debate.” https://medium.com/feedium/book-review-shout-the-battle-cry-of-freedom-by-k-m-breakey-f49e8df0ae1c?sk=4230a0fa9552f6f701ad2bed54d63133