Fools' Guild Series - Alan Gordon Public

Created by Tim

In 13th-century Europe, a secret organization—The Fool's Guild—existed to influence events behind the scene.

  1. Thirteenth Night by  (Fools' Guild #1)

    4 stars

    In 13th-century Europe, a secret organization—The Fool's Guild—existed to influence events behind the scene, and one such manipulation was recorded …

  2. Jester Leaps In by  (Fools' Guild #2)

    4 stars

    In 13th century Europe, political turmoil is the order of the day and the Fool's Guild and its agents - …

  3. A Death in the Venetian Quarter by  (Fools' Guild #3)

    4 stars

    In 1203, the ships of the Fourth Crusade, instead of traveling to the Holy Land, show up outside the walls …

  4. The Widow of Jerusalem by  (Fools' Guild #4)

    No rating

    In 1204 A.D. The Fools’ Guild is on the run from an increasingly intolerant Church. Arriving too late at the …

  5. An Antic Disposition by  (Fools' Guild #5)

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    In 1204 A.D., the Fools' Guild is on the run from an enraged Pope Innocent III and the Papal troops …

  6. The Lark's Lament by  (Fools' Guild #6)

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    In 1204 A.D., the Fools' Guild is in hiding, under attack from the forces of Pope Innocent III. Theophilos and …

  7. The Moneylender of Toulouse by 

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    In 1204 A.D., Theophilos, jester and agent for the Fools’ Guild, is sent to Toulouse with his jester wife, infant …

  8. The Parisian Prodigal by  (Fools' Guild #8)

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    In 1205, Theophilos—a fool by trade, a family man by choice, and a spy by design—belongs, along with his family, …

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