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Jules's books

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reviewed Crooks and Straights by Masha du Toit

Masha du Toit: Crooks and Straights (2014, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform) 4 stars

Gia's brother Nico is different from other boys. And being different can be dangerous in …

Very novel urban fantasy

4 stars

Firstly a quick warning that this isn't an entire story in itself, but the first half of a story that concludes somewhat ambiguously in the second book "Wolf Logic". I hope there will be a third on as while the main story wrapped up at the end of the second book I feel there were still quite a lot of loose ends.

I really liked the reversal of the usual chosen one narrative, that what makes the heroine Gia special in a magical family is her lack of magical powers, and it is this, not suddenly developing some magical ability, that allows her to become the hero by infiltrating the anti-magical organisation. If she does have a superpower it's likely to be her ability to accept and empathise with those different enough that many others don't. Magical ability is used effectively as a metaphor for neurodiversity or disability, and I …

Sarena Ulibarri: Glass and Gardens (2020, World Weaver Press) 5 stars

​This anthology envisions winters of the future, with stories of scientists working together to protect …

Excellent, novel collection of solarpunk short stories

5 stars

Too often solarpunk short stories seem to focus on the technology with the story added almost as an afterthought, but this excellent anthology definitely doesn't suffer from that issue. Almost every story features characters who learn and develop in their own right and exist in relationship with one another beyond the setting. The theme of winter is also a novel change with challenges and opportunities provided by ice, snow and flood rather than the more common heat and drought. (Based as I am in England's soggy south west, I really enjoyed the umbrellas that caught the kinetic energy of raindrops in Shel Graves' story). Highly recommended.