Reviews and Comments

AlfredoCR (Bookwrym)

Joined 2 years ago

SF8910's secret library. I came here because I just want to find more books I can read. I am starting to appreciate the practice of reading and I want to be able to connect with other people in finding good books that are worth reading.

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George Orwell: Animal Farm (Paperback, 2004, Signet) 4 stars

George Orwell's timeless and timely allegorical novel—a scathing satire on a downtrodden society’s blind march …

An easy classic you can read on a weekend

4 stars

My librarian told me that this us bit necessarily an anti communist book but rather an anti corruption book, so I did not look at it from a political perspective. Animal Farm is a fun book to read if you want to have a fun intro to George Orwell and his books. It's easy, there's some dark elements, and it's nice for a quick shift in style. It's not my book style personally (I like stuff like Firebreak), but I feel like it is unfair to compare a grand classic to a fairly insignificant modern dystopian novel. It's a fun book to read if you want a fun and dark weekend read that is also a classic book.