Reviews and Comments
Listing all books I read since 16th August 2023.
On Mastodon: Brynawel
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Brynawel rated Kein Feuer kann brennen so heiß: 3 stars
Brynawel rated The Silent Patient: 4 stars

The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides
Alicia Berenson’s life is seemingly perfect. One evening her husband Gabriel returns home late from a fashion shoot, and Alicia …
Brynawel rated What I Ate in One Year: 4 stars

Lucifer by Gion Mathias Cavelty
Um nichts anderes als die ultimative Erleuchtung geht es in »LUCIFER«. Doch Licht ist nicht nur Licht. Licht kann äußerst …
Brynawel rated Kummer aller Art: 4 stars
Brynawel rated Interesting Times : Discworld: 4 stars

Interesting Times : Discworld by Terry Pratchett
"May you live in interesting times" is the worst thing one can wish on a citizen of Discworld -- especially …
Brynawel rated Safe Enough: 5 stars
Brynawel rated A Morbid Taste for Bones: 4 stars

A Morbid Taste for Bones by Edith Pargeter, Ellis Peters
12th-century Shrewsbury monks go to Wales to recover a 7th-century saint’s relics, and meet opposition from the relics’ keepers. Then …
Brynawel rated The Cartographers: 3 stars

The Cartographers by Peng Shepherd
What is the purpose of a map?
Nell Young’s whole life and greatest passion is cartography. Her father, Dr. Daniel …
Brynawel rated T. rex and the Crater of Doom: 5 stars
Brynawel rated Why is sex fun?: 4 stars

Why is sex fun? by Jared Diamond (Science masters)
Brynawel rated Rache: Über einen blinden Fleck der Moderne: 3 stars

Rache: Über einen blinden Fleck der Moderne by Fabian Bernhardt
"Im Denken der Moderne markiert die Rache einen blinden Fleck. Dieser Fleck ist blind, aber nicht leer."
Die Vermessung eines …
Brynawel rated The Running Grave: 4 stars
Brynawel rated Der Revolver: 3 stars

Der Revolver by Fuminori Nakamura
In einer Regennacht findet ein junger Mann in den Straßen von Tokio eine Leiche – und neben ihr einen Revolver. …