DavidB started reading Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel

Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel
Edwin St. Andrew is eighteen years old when he crosses the Atlantic by steamship, exiled from polite society following an …
Frenchman in Japan. I used to be a graduate student in literature, but now I'm happy when I find the time to open a book (currently working on doing that more often, though).
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Edwin St. Andrew is eighteen years old when he crosses the Atlantic by steamship, exiled from polite society following an …
Edwin St. Andrew is eighteen years old when he crosses the Atlantic by steamship, exiled from polite society following an …
A special fiftieth anniversary edition of Kurt Vonnegut’s masterpiece, “a desperate, painfully honest attempt to confront the monstrous crimes of …
I choose to fight my battles through my music . . . I was born a feminist. And then at …
I choose to fight my battles through my music . . . I was born a feminist. And then at …
Rereading Sandman for the first time in 20 years, it is so far my favorite volume, probably because it's one narrative unit centering around Dream and his family.
Previous volumes had amazing stories too, but there was a lack of unity in some of them (not to mention a lack of the main character). Yet, a lot of these previous stories were necessary to establish a lot of the things that make this one story as well as the following ones the masterpieces that they are. As, if I remember well, each volume gets better than the previous one at this point.
Can't wait to read volume 8 again. Probably in a few days.
Rereading Sandman for the first time in 20 years, it is so far my favorite volume, probably because it's one narrative unit centering around Dream and his family, not sure. What I think I remember, though is that it only gets better and better from then on. Can't wait to read volume 8 again. Probably in a few days.
A comic saga that chronicles the efforts of Delirium and her brother, Dream, to journey through the world of the …
Gare à vous, super-vilains, Imbattable est de retour ! Ce justicier masqué, dévoué aux causes justes et aux tâches domestiques, …
Gare à vous, super-vilains, Imbattable est de retour ! Ce justicier masqué, dévoué aux causes justes et aux tâches domestiques, …