Ben Aaronvotich: Whispers underground (Undetermined language, 2012, Gollancz) 4 stars

Review of 'Whispers underground' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This series is a lot of fun, but the fun doesn’t stem just from the action and the plot. I really enjoy the humor and the dialog. Aaronovitch spends more time within the interviews of suspects, more than other police procedurals I read, and I appreciate that time. The cases often hinge on information discovered in those interviews instead of some mysterious clue.

As an American, I enjoy the details about the architecture, history, and life of London. It makes me want to visit. The London Underground sounds wild. I wonder if any of the unusual details about the tunnels are real.

This particular story introduces another set of characters and a couple of groups that I hope to see again, The Quiet People (aka The Whisperers), plus The Little Crocodiles. I also like the American FBI agent, Reynolds. I would have liked for her to have a larger role in this story, but I’m certain we’ll see her again.

While I enjoyed this novel, I feel that it’s primary function was to introduce characters, people, and concepts. Lesley is also back and learning magic. She creates a nice procedural balance to Peter, the rule follower vs. the rebel.

In the end, this is a nice addition to the series, but not as satisfying as the previous two.