Carissa Véliz: Privacy is Power : Why and How You Should Take Back Control of Your Data 3 stars

Review of 'Privacy is Power : Why and How You Should Take Back Control of Your Data' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

We should all be reading this book and forcing it on our local and federal legislators.

I was already aware of much of what Viliz covers here, but I learned a great deal regarding what the use of our data is doing to us and can do to us. Most importantly, I learned why it is important for us to protect our privacy even if we don't feel we have anything to hide.

One of the most important points in the book is about how targeted information/advertising is creating the divisions in our society. Our use of targeted ads and information is literally creating different realities for different groups of people.

My biggest criticism of this book is her use of metaphor. Before really creating a sense of urgency, she uses dramatic metaphors that made me roll my eyes. I honestly think the overwrought metaphors damage her credibility a bit.