Andy Weir: Randomize (EBook, 2019, Amazon Original Stories) 3 stars

In the near future, if Vegas games are ingeniously scam-proof, then the heists have to …

Review of 'Randomize' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

"This was fun! It's a short story by Andy Weir from a collection of short stories about uses of future technology. It's free on Amazon and Audible, and it takes about an hour to listen to.

I love the twists at the beginning and the end with the power dynamics. Not to spoil things, but the main character presented at the beginning isn't actually the main character.

Weir does a nice job of looking to the future and this story is no exception. Any technology developed to advance mankind can also be used for nefarious purposes. Quantum computers will be no exception. At the heart of technology is the human spirit both altruistic and nefarious."