Cait Gordon, Talia Johnson: Nothing Without Us (Paperback, 2019, Renaissance) No rating

This is a little hard to review... It's short stories, they kind of span a range of genres, and what ties them together are there are disabled characters, written by disabled authors.

A lot of the stories have some queer element to them. Most that do not clearly have a queer element to them, it is simply that there's little or no mention of anything that would point in that direction.

The range of stories is pretty impressive. It's a relatively slim volume with 22 stories (if I counted correctly).

Some of the stories do have disturbing elements. I'd say for me even that was really well handled. Other books (Nod which I think there's already a review I've done of it here, and Son of a Trickster which I recently finished...) have had disturbing elements which it's felt were rather poorly handled (you couldn't really process it if it was something that did disturb you).