Andrew Whitley: Do Sourdough (2014) No rating

Certainly decent for sourdough...

No rating

Today I was making some sourdough, and went to look in the "bread section" of our library and found this book, that I don't think I've read before.

This book is a small volume (about 12cm by 18cm (or for those of us in the dark ages (including largely myself) 5 in by 7 in (very rough measurements)) with a decent font size (ie not like some small volumes where it's hard to read because they dropped the font size) and only 155 pages.

It was not difficult to read in the space of about 4 hours... Which really surprised me.

As I've found with other sourdough books (and other stuff with sourdough) it starts out saying how easy sourdough is... Then ends up explaining it not exactly in excruciating detail but far more detail than seems necessary, to explain sourdough.

Interestingly this isn't as heavy on the recipes as some of the other books I've seen which I'd say for me is actually a big plus. The problem with the recipes is that they aren't well formatted, and are repetitive. And a few actually are actually lacking details.

The recipes are written out in "exposition form" as in full paragraphs. It makes them a lot easier to read as "just text" but it will make it harder to follow if you're going to follow the recipes. This does make the repetition of the same basic steps a little bit easier to take, because it more flows.

There are some good tips here that I have to say actually are rather useful. And well... a section I think is actually great in showing how the bread evolves over time, and how to use that evolving bread.