Charles Stross: Dead Lies Dreaming (2020, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 4 stars

Review of 'Dead Lies Dreaming' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Peter Pan meets the world of Case Nightmare Green. A decent romp setting up a new series in the Laundry Files setting.
This was a decent read, despite me not actually liking any of the characters much. It had the signature Lovecraftian horror meets modern outsourced bureaucracy vibe which is trademark of the series. This had a rotating cast of PoV characters instead of a single protagonist and I always feel Stross is stronger when he uses a single voice (even if it is an unreliable one).
J M Barrie's famous children's tale is cast in a more, accurate, light. It's a horror tale that fits the setting well.
This was also a little, bitty. It didn't have the author's usual flow. Understandable given the personal circumstances under which it was written.
Don't get me wrong, this is good reading, but I am always harder on authors who I have given multiple 5 stars to in the past.

2021 Re-read
Again, I rate this slightly higher on a re-read. The things that I pointed out above didn't seem such an issue.