_: Nova York 2140 (Paperback, Portuguese language, 2019, Planeta Minotauro) 4 stars

Review of 'Nova York 2140' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Stan does hopeful in the face of the coming climate apocalypse. This was an odd one for me but I am ending up at 4 stars because I realise I am going to have a lot to think about with this one. It wasn't exactly a page turner for me I think because I struggled a little with some of the characters. I find this with later Stan (as opposed to say, Red Mars) but this actually ended up supplying some deeply human moments in its fragmented narrative. It is a multiple Point of View work so be prepared for that going in, it was probably another thing that slowed me down. Lots of ideas in this one, some right on the money I think but definitely worth a read.