Frank Burns reviewed Jhereg by Steven Brust (Vlad Taltos, #1)
40 years of excellence, let's do a re-read
4 stars
1983! Brust has been working on the Taltos books for 40 years. I decided after reading the latest installment to go for a re-read of the whole series because it appears I haven't reviewed them much on here. This is a very strong debut, definitely in the 4.5 range. The main players are introduced well, the basic premise of Dumas/Zelazny (which reminds me to schedule in a re-read of Amber) type shenanigans is established with flair and the outlines of the world building sketched in. All this in a short (300 pages-ish) novel. This is not your typical fantasy doorstop which makes you sigh just at the thought of starting it. Brust goes off on many tangents in these books, its definitely a life's work, but in the debut he wisely keeps the plot tight and to the point. You fair zip through these books as they are delivered with a sense of gusto and sheer enjoyment. I reckon most anyone will find something to enjoy in these books and this is a fine debut. Recommended.