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what @alifeee is reading or has read :) what if goodreads was... good

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alifeee's books

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Edward de Bono: The Use of Lateral Thinking No rating

it is certainly interesting to read about a concept ("lateral thinking") that I considered a common phrase, from a book and author where the phrase did not previously (commonly) exist

luckily, it did not turn me into one of the cult-y members who have spent the last several decades trying to sell lateral thinking courses, but instead probably subtly influenced my opinions, as most literature.

Samantha Weinberg: A fish caught in time (1999, Fourth Estate) No rating

"Just before Christmas in 1938, the young woman curator of a small South African museum …

this was a very good book and you too should read about fish

doubtless there is wider historical context about the scientists and others involved, e.g., naught is mentioned of D F Malan's institutionalising of apartheid in South Africa