
Review of 'Mirage' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I don't know what to do with this book. Honestly. On one hand it had nice writing and an interesting plot you have not read a 100 times. On the other hand, it was all tell but no show. To be an a great and good book, Mirage would have needed a lot more depth.

You cannot impersonate a person without knowing what they talked about previously with others where was this? Why did Amanai never have to report back to Mariam? If they had such advanced technics, why did they not plant a voice recorder on her? Why would they trust someone they force to do their bidding? You don't! Why was there no spy at the grandmother's court? They send her away for three weeks and no one knew what she was doing there?! And Tala just went with it. Because? The King decides on an heir just because of one sentence in a war council?
The book was full with situation like this.

I wanted to see all those things. And it was not written out.

Then the author had the perfect opportunity to make a tension filled scene and get deeper into the story, and she just wastes it. If you build up tension in your story then please use it the correct way! Make something out of it. I want to suffer!

Also bad case of Insta love. Just saying.

And the end was the biggest let down ever. I have not been this unsatisfied with an ending in a very long time.

This book felt more like a plot idea than an actual book. Because all the important parts are missing.

But it was nice to read, somehow.