Review of 'The Nine Lives of Charlotte Taylor' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
a fascinating read if most details were true, but (as a work classified as fiction) it's difficult to know which parts were embellished with detail, or made up entirely. or perhaps records simply don't exist. case in point: charlotte has 10 children who all survive infancy and childhood - such a remarkable feat, and one that charlotte takes great pride in. but were there other children's whose records went missing?
she outlived 4 husbands (ok, 3 husbands and 1 lover), lived easily among the mik'mak, and had her name on the first property deeds of the miramichi. she must have been a force to be reckoned with... her stories being passed from generation to generation. remarkable? lucky? a witch? who knows how she truly got her fame. so her great, great, great granddaughter tried to pin down a story that she could be proud of. it's a story that is too tainted by today's politically correct values and knowledge of the future, but it's hard to escape the mindset of our current culture.