Emma Donoghue: The Pull of the Stars (Hardcover, 2020, Little, Brown and Company) 3 stars

In an Ireland doubly ravaged by war and disease, Nurse Julia Power works at an …

Review of 'The Pull of the Stars' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

like Room, most of the action happens on one day in the fever maternity ward of an irish hospital in the middle of the 1918 pandemic. and with the chapters called Red, Brown, Blue, Black (the progressive colours of influenza to death), you knew there was a death coming
I quite enjoyed all the nurse and maternity tidbits included in the plot, but the gay-out-of-nowhere was just that. out of nowhere. in fact, given the large age difference, i'll bet some progressives might even call it problematic. i'm guessing the love interest turn was to make the death be that much more shocking and heartfelt, but doesn't anyone's death merit an emotional response? why wouldn't the reader mourn a very short friendship? a very hard life?