Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard, Tony Moore, Cliff Rathburn: The Walking Dead, Book One (Hardcover, 2006, Image Comics) 4 stars

This hardcover features the first 12 issues of the hit series along with the covers …

Review of 'The Walking Dead, Book One' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

[guessing at the star rating / mining my old FB notes now that they are almost impossible to find]

does a graphic novel count as a book? with the visual aspect, it felt like a movie. and i read it one sitting - again, like a movie. plus it took about 2 hours - the time of a movie...

the whole thing was sort of gross, and gory, and probably only palatable b/c it was in black & white. i've read some really wonderfully touching graphic novels last year (like blanket) but this was just a testosterone blast. that said, i do like a good zombie movie, and the last 2 pages did make me want to pick up book two...