digitalbusker quoted The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson (Mistborn Era One, #3)
Content warning Spoilers for Mistborn: The Hero of Ages
But, that was how things often went, it seemed. Some important decisions were made on a battlefield or in a conference room. But others happened quietly, unseen by others. That didn't make the decision any less important to Sazed. He would believe. Not because something had been proven to him beyond his ability to deny. But because he chose to.
— The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson (Mistborn Era One, #3) (Page 671)
I still found Sazed's faith journey a little annoying on this read, but maybe not as much as before. I suspect part of it is how long it seemed to take him to get to what seems to me like the obvious conclusion: the existence of a supreme being is definitionally not provable or disprovable, so if you want to believe in a invisible sky wizard, you can. Maybe it will make you feel better. Other people can make different choices re: invisible sky wizards. (Now a lot of the religions Sazed examined are about interactions with Shards, which are invisible sky wizards that ARE provably real, and not really the ineffable "God Beyond" concept that maps best onto our world, which does complicate things.)