Brandon Sanderson: Tress of the Emerald Sea (EBook, 2023, Dragonsteel Entertainment, LLC) 5 stars

The only life Tress has known on her island home in an emerald-green ocean has …

Fun, odd

4 stars

In the end note Sanderson talks about The Princess Bride and Good Omens as tone goals for this, and mostly that says to me that he hasn't read Stardust. I do tend to like adventure stories that subvert some of the genre's problematic tropes and occasionally pause to point that out. Having Hoid serve both as the limited-omniscient narrator and a non-viewpoint character in the narrative was distracting sometimes, especially towards the end when Hoid was becoming more integral to the plot. Hopefully when we get more books in Hoid's voice he'll be the main character. This was a nice palate cleanser after finishing Mistborn era 2.