
@futzle I've read the second one (Count Zero), but not the third (Mona Lisa Overdrive) yet. It was good, but different. It's set in the same universe but with none of the same characters. Still weird and funky though.

Apparently Gibson's script for Alien 3 is "one of the best screenplays never made". I haven't read it though. But BBC produced a radio play of it a few years back which I'm keen to check out!

@futzle I've read the second one (Count Zero), but not the third (Mona Lisa Overdrive) yet. It was good, but different. It's set in the same universe but with none of the same characters. Still weird and funky though.

Apparently Gibson's script for Alien 3 is "one of the best screenplays never made". I haven't read it though. But BBC produced a radio play of it a few years back which I'm keen to check out!