escapist started reading All about Me! by Mel Brooks

All about Me! by Mel Brooks
An autobiography of the American comedian Mel Brooks’ life and work.
Based in South Wales, staff to two cats, worked in hospital admin for over 15 years and now looking to do anything but that!
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25% complete! escapist has read 3 of 12 books.
An autobiography of the American comedian Mel Brooks’ life and work.
A tiny American town’s plans for radical self-government overlooked one hairy detail: no one told the bears. Once upon a …
Made me laugh out loud at some points, though there are some deeply sad events in the whole tale. Recommended for anyone trying to understand what these 'sovereign citizen' types think is the way society should be, and why it's so catastrophically wrong.
Who would want to harm Discworld's most beloved icon? Very few things are held sacred in this twisted, corrupt, heartless …