gkzhukov rated Ministry for the Future: 5 stars

Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson
Established in 2025, the purpose of the new organization was simple: To advocate for the world's future generations and to …
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Established in 2025, the purpose of the new organization was simple: To advocate for the world's future generations and to …
The Years of Rice and Salt is an alternate history novel by American science fiction author Kim Stanley Robinson, published …
Just before dawn one winter's morning, a hijacked jetliner explodes above the English Channel. Through the falling debris, two figures, …
Todos sabemos al menos una canción de Siniestro Total. Todos sin excepción. De hecho, las conocen incluso quienes jamás han …
A gripping novel about the whirlwind rise of an iconic 1970s rock group and their beautiful lead singer, revealing the …