Roger Zelazny: Lord of Light 4 stars

Lord of Light (1967) is a science fantasy novel by American author Roger Zelazny. It …

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This book starts as pure fantasy. We are introduced to Gods, resurrections and magic, and the characters have all taken the identity of various Gods. The way the lead character is brought back, apparently from the beyond hints to a Christian-style resurrection combined with Mery Shelly's Frankenstein. If you bought this as part of the "SF Masterclass" series, you may be wondering how this classes as Sci-Fi.

As the story develops, so we move away from fantasy toward science-fiction. Elements are introduced which help explain some of the backstory and remove some of the mystery and magic about the goings on. But these are introduced gently, and not all the pieces are given until the almost very end. On a second reading, this book will come again in an entirely different light.
