John Batki, László Krasznahorkai: Spadework for a Palace (EBook, 2022, New Directions) 5 stars

Spadework for a Palace bears the subtitle “Entering the Madness of Others” and offers an …

A Glorious Spew

5 stars

Another great little book from the New Directions Storybook imprint. Written in one long sentence, Spadework for a Palace is a sprawling monograph written by one herman melvill, a self-described gray little librarian with several overwhelming obsessions and an incredible plan. Obsessed with triangulating the lives of Herman Melville (the "real" one), Malcolm Lowry and the architect and writer Lebbeus Woods our narrator expounds upon New York and the nature of the universe, reaching an incredible crescendo right before crashing back down to reality. There's a late-stage cameo by one of lower Manhattan's most unbelievable buildings!