Debbie Iancu-Haddad: Speechless in Achten Tan (2022, Skullgate Media) No rating

Fun, fast-paced read in a rich fantasy setting.

No rating

This is my first foray into the world of Achten Tan. It seems like a fascinating place - though admittedly, one I probably wouldn't enjoy visiting. Buildings in bones and giant ants are only the start of it.

Mila's story is a fairly uncomplicated quest to find her magical power. We get to see Achten Tan's various cultures along the way. It's a pretty light read, in many senses, and a refreshing contrast to the grimdark stories I keep tripping over.

I think the book will mainly appeal to younger readers. Generally, the rest of the world takes a back seat to Mila's (and her allies') immediate concerns. For my tastes, there's a bit much of teenagers mooning over each other and blushing, and Mila getting tangled up in her feelings about relationships. The narrative is entirely in first person, present tense, and so we get a running commentary on her thoughts and reactions.

Overall, a fun, fast-paced read in a rich fantasy setting.