William Meikle: Professor Challenger: The Island of Terror (Dark Regions Press) No rating

Another enjoyable creature feature

No rating

If you’re familiar with William Meikle’s work, you’ll know he enjoys repurposing characters (and creatures) from other sources, with Sherlock Holmes being one example. This adventure features another character of Conan Doyle’s: Professor Challenger. As with Great Men and sidekicks, the story’s narrated (in first person) by Malone, a reporter who we also associate with Challenger.

As we’ve reliably come to expect, it’s a fast-paced and fun adventure. I note here that although I generally stay away from horror, the gruesome elements in this author’s books have all been fine for me. There’s more to the plot than “travel somewhere new and fend off peculiar creatures”, although Malone and Challenger are more observers/victims of the underlying scheme, rather than investigators.

Overall, another enjoyable creature feature with hints of more to come.