User Profile

MH Thaung

Joined 1 year, 9 months ago

Pathologist, educator, also writes tiny stories and speculative fiction. Scottish-born (hence, now lives in London. Reading tastes vary, depending on how much of a break I need from academia. Mainly speculative fiction, some mystery (going through a Golden Age phase), and chunks of science- or society-related non-fiction. She/her.

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MH Thaung's books

Currently Reading

Debbie Iancu-Haddad: Speechless in Achten Tan (2022, Skullgate Media) No rating

Fun, fast-paced read in a rich fantasy setting.

No rating

This is my first foray into the world of Achten Tan. It seems like a fascinating place - though admittedly, one I probably wouldn't enjoy visiting. Buildings in bones and giant ants are only the start of it.

Mila's story is a fairly uncomplicated quest to find her magical power. We get to see Achten Tan's various cultures along the way. It's a pretty light read, in many senses, and a refreshing contrast to the grimdark stories I keep tripping over.

I think the book will mainly appeal to younger readers. Generally, the rest of the world takes a back seat to Mila's (and her allies') immediate concerns. For my tastes, there's a bit much of teenagers mooning over each other and blushing, and Mila getting tangled up in her feelings about relationships. The narrative is entirely in first person, present tense, and so we get a running commentary on …

M. H. Thaung: The Diamond Device (Paperback, 2020, Caroline Thaung) No rating

After diamond power promises to replace steam, an unemployed labourer and a thieving noble unite …

This has been my most popular novel so far. I released it in 2020, which otherwise wasn't a good year at all. The more life threw at me, the more light-hearted my book revisions became. Not an approach I'd want to try again, but I hope I've ended up with something good.

O. E. Tearmann: The Hands We're Given (Paperback, 2019, Amphibian Press) No rating

Aidan Headly never wanted to be the man giving orders.

That's fine with the Democratic …

An appealing mix of found family and a post-apocalyptic setting

No rating

This is an oddly appealing combination of slice of life/found family in a… I guess it’s a postapocalyptic setting? (Never sure how to define these.) Essentially, Big Corp has taken over, and the characters are part of the effort to undermine the current regime. Though that’s background rather than the story here.

The Hands We’re Given is first in a series. The focus seems more on character relationships and seeking/offering acceptance rather than whiz bang acts of rebellion and violence. I haven’t read any sequels (yet), so I don’t know if this is the tone of later books. I wasn’t totally convinced by the challenges the Wild Cards run up against (eg scarcity of xx item but apparently no problem doing yy thing), but I was happy to go with the flow without worrying too much about realism.

The prose was tidy, and the read was easy. I’m not a …

reviewed The Blood Tartan by Raymond St. Elmo (Quest of the Five Clans, #1)

Raymond St. Elmo: The Blood Tartan (EBook, 2017, Independently Published) No rating

Centuries ago a mysterious family of mad geniuses split into five clans; feuding, hiding, hoarding …

Compelling, historic and fantastic

No rating

Considering that I usually steer clear of both magical realism and ornate prose, this was a pretty compelling read. The story’s narrated by Gray himself. I enjoyed his voice and and self-effacing, humorous acknowledgement of his various problems. As the plot unfolds, Gray wanders deeper into unknown territory with a whole host of peculiar characters. He feels more driven by fate than choosing his own path, but that fits with the situations and it was a lot of fun following along.

Kate Morgan: Murder (2021, HarperCollins Publishers Limited) No rating

Totally gripping and brilliantly told, Murder: The Biography is a gruesome and utterly captivating portrait …

An overview of how laws concerning killings have evolved

No rating

I found this an interesting account of how the legal status of “murder” (as a chargeable offence) in the UK has evolved over the centuries. The book isn’t a tour of “true crime” cases. Instead, it uses those cases as examples of how definitions and laws were challenged, ranging from the defence of insanity to the introduction of corporate manslaughter.

There was a focus on how certain trials may have had different outcomes if they had been held a few years later (or I suppose earlier in other cases). On the one hand, it’s uncomfortable to think that specific cases were disadvantaged by now outdated laws. On the other hand, at least we could say that the legal system does, to some extent, attempt to keep up with the times.

Mike Resnick: The Soul Eater (1992, Warner Books) No rating

An early work that already demonstrates his distinctive writing

No rating

I've read a few books by the author previously, but The Soul Eater is a new read for me. I see from the 1981 publication date that this is one of his early works, but his distinctive style is already there. The major characters are larger than life, if not particularly relatable - more representatives of a type than human (or alien) beings with foibles and quirks. Consequently, the plot has the feel of a fable, or... almost a thought experiment, with a sense of inevitability. This isn't a negative criticism, and it's all very readable.

I didn't feel concerned about Nicobar Lane during his increasingly obsessive pursuit of the Dreamwish Beast, but I was definitely curious as to how far his obsession would take him, and what kind of person he would be when he got there.

Overall, an enjoyable short read, although I probably won't rush into re-reading …

Philip Folk: Snake-Oil Pursuit (2022, Independently Published) No rating

"Doctor" Mary, the wayward daughter of the frontier's most notorious crime family, has traded their …

Enteraining murder mystery in a weird/steampunk setting

No rating

I had the pleasure of first reading this book as an early draft, and it’s been a privilege to follow its development over the years.

In this murder mystery in a weird/steampunk setting, we follow devout blacksmith Nette and irreverent charlatan Mary as they try to achieve their conflicting goals. While Nette strives to bring her parents’ killer to justice, Mary just aims to turn a profit and rid herself of some old familial debts.

The world feels very “frontier”, with dollops of magic and infrequent godly intervention (or maybe that should be interference). However, magic isn’t used casually, and so the characters have to be devious rather than handwaving their escapes after they get themselves (and each other) into trouble.

As you might imagine, Nette and Mary have distinct personalities, and they’re haunted by different issues. It was greatly satisfying to see how their disparate stories came together as …

Olivia Atwater: Small Miracles (Paperback, 2022, Olivia Atwater) No rating

A little bit of sin is good for the soul.

Gadriel, the fallen angel of …

A pleasant and unchallenging read

No rating

This book came to my attention as one of this year’s SPFBO finalists. It’s categorised as Christian fantasy, so (not being interested in religion, whether Christian or other) I was a bit dubious when I picked it up. However, I needn’t have worried. I’d say the Christianity features as part of the setting rather than the story being Christian-themed.

The prose was tidy and only tripped me up a couple of times (still scratching my head over the use of “Juste” in French. Maybe I’m missing some subtext cleverness). I didn’t like the footnotes. To me, if felt like they were trying too hard.

There will inevitably be many comparisons to Good Omens. I’d say the storyline here is much simpler—that’s just an observation, not a criticism at all. Despite the introduction of a Big Bad maybe halfway through, and characters having sad pasts or current circumstances, the stakes …