n_to started reading Unendlicher Spaß by David Foster Wallace

Unendlicher Spaß by David Foster Wallace
Infinite Jest is a 1996 novel by American writer David Foster Wallace. Categorized as an encyclopedic novel, Infinite Jest is …
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Infinite Jest is a 1996 novel by American writer David Foster Wallace. Categorized as an encyclopedic novel, Infinite Jest is …
Outside Los Angeles, a driver pulls up to find a young woman sitting on a large, black box. She offers …
Ein brillanter Essay über den richtigen Umgang mit den zukünftigen Entwicklungen der Künstlichen Intelligenz.
Sind ChatGPT und generative KI eine …
Death's End (Chinese: 死神永生, pinyin: Sǐshén yǒngshēng) is a science fiction novel by the Chinese writer Liu Cixin. It is …
2022 tauscht Stefanie Sargnagel widerstrebend das bequeme Wiener Sofa gegen ein Flugticket in die USA ein. In Iowa soll sie …
Once, Lovelace had eyes and ears everywhere. She was a ship's artificial intelligence system - possessing a personality and very …
This was great and a total different experience than I had expected. Ditch the stupid Netflix-Show and read this book which not only covers an interesting Sci-Fi-topic but also gives a glimpse into Chinese socialist society and it's aftermath.
Within the context of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, a military project sends messages to alien worlds. A nearby alien society …
Dune is a 1965 science-fiction novel by American author Frank Herbert, originally published as two separate serials in Analog magazine. …