
commented on 戦国小町苦労譚 農耕戯画 第1巻 by 沢田一 (戦国小町苦労譚 農耕戯画, #1)

沢田一, 夾竹桃, 平沢下戸: 戦国小町苦労譚 農耕戯画 第1巻 (EBook, Japanese language, EARTH STAR COMICS) No rating

『小説家になろう』発、「豆知識」ふんだん系新感覚時代小説、待望のコミカライズ! 農業高校に通う歴史好き女子高生、綾小路静子はある日の学校の帰り道、突如戦国時代へとタイムスリップしてしまう。目の前に現われたのは――あの“織田信長”!? 信長の兵に捕らえられ、咄嗟に「農業で才を示す」と約束してしまった静子は――!?

I read like the first chapter of this, was exhausted after it (as someone who doesn't even read much in English, reading in a language I only sorta know is some draining shit) and put it down saying "I'll definitely come back to this later!" and then I still haven't lmao

I'm gonna fix that soon, but first I should probably make flashcards out of the pics I took from chapter 1 containing words I don't know since that'll help me through chapter 2 probably