
commented on Kindred by Octavia E. Butler (Black women writers series)

Octavia E. Butler: Kindred (Paperback, 2008, Beacon Press) 5 stars

The first science fiction written by a black woman, Kindred has become a cornerstone of …

another non-japanese piece of media i can call an "isekai", making everyone around me scrunch their faces up in confusion as to whether they agree or whether they want to tell me to shut the fuck up

replied to Tommie's status

okay, but unironically i do think "isekai" is a term we should absolutely be applying to media outside of japan/the broader east. i think calling this a "time travel story" gives a different impression as to the amount of control there is in the time travel happening, and "science fiction" makes it sound like the time travelling is technological, when it's instead, at least thus far, functionally magical/supernatural (even if not explicitly described as such). i would definitely categorize it as both of those things, but it is first and foremost an isekai in my mind.

frankly i just don't get the disgust i've seen when i dare to call things like jumaji (the new one with the videogame) "isekais" especially when this disgust often comes from the same people who call random western animation "anime". i guess it's because the people who i see react negatively like that have …