User Profile

Martin Pugh Locked account

Joined 1 year, 11 months ago

Not one of life's great readers but making the effort to get into a routine that gets me away from the laptop, phone and TV more often. I'm loading up my bookshelf with books I've both already read plus books I've got lined up to read. My reasoning is, everything I've read I'll likely read again so I'll record the progress here when I get to it a second (third/forth) time.


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Martin Pugh's books

Currently Reading

quoted The apocalypse codex by Charles Stross (Laundry Files, #4)

Charles Stross: The apocalypse codex (2012, Ace Books) 5 stars

"For outstanding heroism in the field (despite himself), computational demonologist Bob Howard is on the …

I'm thinking on the fly, here. (Although now that I'm in middle management I think I'm supposed to call it 'refactoring the strategic value proposition in real time with agile implementation', or, if I'm being honest, 'making it up as I go along.')

The apocalypse codex by  (Laundry Files, #4)