
A disappointing end to the series

2 stars

I was disappointed by the end to this series, I thought there would be a big twist or reveal, or that some characters might make a return appearance. Instead there's a new antagonist, who we don't get a backstory for, and the resolution is unsatisfying. I think part of the problem is that the book starts with the three most powerful sorcerers in the worlds being on the same side, which removes a lot of the tension - you don't really fear that they're going to lose or die, especially when they end up getting even more powerful. One character who is really important in the previous books is pretty much sidelined and the new characters we're introduced to don't get built up.

It is a much less cohesive series than the Black Magician trilogy, which felt like it had been planned out in detail. Instead it feels like a book written because the publisher wanted another or the author felt the need to tie up some loose ends but didn't have enough for 500 pages. Very disappointing as I've really enjoyed all of Canavan's other books - including the first one in this series.