
Naomi Mitchison (née Haldane, 1897–1999) was born , 1 Nov, & saw almost every day of the . A hugely influential writer, with over 80 books—poetry, politics, historical novels, , , & more—to her credit

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“She liked to challenge, she liked to shock, she liked to deliver the unexpected, she liked to experiment”
—Jenni Calder looks at Mitchison’s life & work


“The first time I read Memoirs of a Spacewoman, I felt relief so strongly that it registered as a kind of digestive ache. Here was a woman who had thought about birth in terms I instinctively understood but rarely recognized in the world around me.”

—Jenni Quilter on reproductive possibility in Naomi Mitchison’s speculative fiction


“Correction: January 20, 1999, Wednesday An obituary on Saturday about Naomi Mitchison, the British writer and early feminist, misspelled the surname of the Labour Party leader at whom she once threw a half-plucked partridge. He was Hugh Gaitskell, not Gaitskill.”

—Essential correction to Mitchison’s obituary in the NEW YORK TIMES
