Sean Randall reviewed Necessary evil by Ian Tregillis (The Milkweed triptych -- volume 3)
Review of 'Necessary evil' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
Alternative ways of ending the Second World War are, of course, a literary staple. But This series has been so expressly brilliant at adding nuanced, layered complexity to the situation that really, it doesn't fall into that mould at all.
Marsh's pain fairly powers out of the pages of this book. Hugely, overwhelmingly poignant in the early chapters, it does ebb more toward a lesser, melancholic sort of sufferance toward the middle of the book as the necessary evils take root. Not to say it doesn't come back and slap you in the face thereafter... It's a massively satisfying ending to this intriguing series. One day, I shall read the set through as a single work, to better enjoy the milieu once again. if you've been following the warlocks, you won't want to miss this one. If you haven't, make a start with [b:The Coldest War|10387413|The Coldest War (The Milkweed Triptych, #2)|Ian Tregillis||15291124]