Harry Harrison, Ezquerra Carlos, Kelvin Kelvin Gosnell: The Stainless Steel Rat (Paperback, 1998, Gollancz) 4 stars

Review of 'The Stainless Steel Rat' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

"I heard the robot rolling away, untroubled by the fact that
his writing, pillow-shedding patient was suddenly dead. This lack of
curiosity is what I like about robots."

It's implausible on so many levels - the technological, psychological, criminal - even completely unbelievable. yet what a page-turning, utterly enjoyable yarn the author weaves. Slippery Jim becomes a character with such a wide array of talents, opinions and ways to get himself into all sorts of unsavoury situations that the book was a true delight from start to finish. we won't go into the depravity brought upon the banking sector too much - suffice it to say that this is different from the gentle short stories of Fifty In Fifty (and in my view, far more enjoyable).