Harry Harrison, Marvin Minsky: The turing option (1993, Warner Books) 4 stars

Classic SF Harry Harrison enthralls with the discovery, loss and re-discovery of AI. Quaint but …

Review of 'The turing option' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This is quite a brilliant story - of regrowing, relearning, rediscovering. The basic plot is that a brilliant scientist survives an attempted murder, but with portions of his brain severely damaged. He's been working on artificial intelligence, though; so all is not truly lost.

The storytelling is gripping and the technology fascinating. the ending is quite different than what I expected - throughout the novel modern technology is portrayed as holy beneficial, and it's not until the end that we see something that might just draw a cloud over the idea of going too far with technology.

A superbly spun story, if leaning a trifle toward the unbelievable.