Reviews and Comments

Mattias Eriksson đŸ“šâ›”

Joined 1 year, 12 months ago

Prefer to read in summer evenings, laying in a sailboat with a glass of wine. For genres, it varies quite a bit.

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Mick Herron: Slöa HÀstar (EBook, Swedish language, 2010, Modernista) 4 stars

Första boken i Ă„rtiondets mest hyllade nya spionserie»Storbritanniens nye thrillermĂ€stare.« Sunday Times»Mick Herron ser ut 

Fantastisk spionhistoria

5 stars

Slöa HÀstar Àr en fantastisk bok om MI5:s slutstation för anstÀllda som gjort bort sig pÄ nÄgot sÀtt och som omplacerats sÄ att de kan göra minimal skada. Tanken Àr att de ska sitta dÀr och göra trÄkiga uppgifter tills de slutar, men pÄ nÄgot sÀtt dras de ÀndÄ in i en hÀndelsekedja som gör att det hamnar i hÀndelsernas centrum. Otroligt bra berÀttad, med ett avslappnat tempo. Sedan Àlskar jag kontors-spion historier likt filmen Spy Game, och det kÀnns som detta Àr lite i samma genre. Kan helt klart rekommendera denna bok som sommarlÀsning.

stopped reading Truckers by Terry Pratchett (The Bromeliad trilogy ;)

Terry Pratchett: Truckers (Paperback, 2004, HarperTrophy) 4 stars

Reluctant to believe that there's a world outside the department store in which they live, 

Pratchett is funny as usual. He takes concepts like living living in a different pace of time, and turns that in to something absurd and funny. He also manages to make the kind of literal misinterpretations, that normally is the base of Dad Jokes, to actually feel humorous and clever.

Andy Weir: Uppdrag Hail Mary (EBook, Swedish language, 2021, Bookmark förlag) 4 stars

Ryland Grace Ă€r ensam överlevande pĂ„ det sista desperata uppdraget att försöka rĂ€dda jorden. Om 

My thoughts about Projekt Hail Mary

5 stars

Project Hail Mary is a very science focused sci-fi novel, which resonates with the science geek in me. But despite having a lot of science, that never takes over from the real story. The scenario is interesting from a philosophical perspective, and the story is interesting and fun from the beginning to the end. This was the book of the year for me, and I can highly recommend it if you like sci-fi.