Stormy Gleason rated Norwegian wood: 5 stars
Norwegian wood by Lars Mytting
Building a fire to warm your home is incredibly satisfying. Splitting logs, stacking and seasoning the wood, and then building …
A lot of non-fic, gardening, and tech.
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Building a fire to warm your home is incredibly satisfying. Splitting logs, stacking and seasoning the wood, and then building …
Today hop growing remains a viable commercial enterprise only in parts of the far western United States--notably in Washington. But, …
History and chemistry of Maillard reaction products, and the derivation of caramel colors and flavors in the kiln and kettle.
Before New York Times bestselling author Bill Bryson wrote The Road to Little Dribbling, he took this delightfully irreverent jaunt …
A Short History of Nearly Everything by American-British author Bill Bryson is a popular science book that explains some areas …